
online photo editor

The best processing for your selfie photos

selfi retouch

Photographing has become a common and everyday event. We often do this already mechanically,  automatically. Whether we are photographing a meowing cat, the cold beauty of a winter sunset, the first fresh blossoming flowers or ourselves. Gigabytes and terabytes of images are stored on our gadgets. When the soul asks for updated photos for Instagram, we are reminded of the huge number of unclaimed photos in our gallery. How many of them are slightly overexposed and not quite professionally filmed, but such beloved ones. Not all shots can get our attention. We took new photos, forgot, passed, erased. Both good and bad pictures fade into oblivion.


There is one simple working rule – immediately delete the defective pictures. Blinking eyes, a shadow on your face from a phone, an unwanted pedestrian in the frame and much more are easier to reshoot right away. But good pictures can be saved and processed  further so that they can be safely shared with family and friends. This is memory and emotions! Photography is cool! And a coolly  crafted photo is even more wonderful. In this and further articles, we will describe in detail the possibilities and ways to improve your  images on Pixelmaniya resources. Pixelmaniya is an online photo editor that can be used both through the website and in the application for mobile devices.  Pixelmaniya is the retouching of your photos with real people. No neural networks or artificial intelligence. Only professional designers and your wishes. Convenient and understandable personal account for your images. A friendly interface and a wide range of services for the most fastidious retouching requests.

And we’ll start with the most requested editing queries. They concern the human body. Often we are not happy with our shape and physical condition.  But we want people to see how wonderful everything is with us. We are healthy, fit, smiling and sexy. Pixelmaniya retouches your photos and you get 100% winning results.

Go! Body retouching. Part No.1        

Making a flat stomach in the photo

Girls with flat bellies and narrow waists are staring at us from TV screens and covers of fashion magazines from all sides. Of course – it looks harmonious and eye-catching. Slender beauties with magnificent breasts and a wasp waist have always been in trend, not only men admire a chiseled figure. Women, on the other hand, strive to resemble the generally accepted standard of beauty in everything. It is difficult to remove belly fat on your own, in any case it is almost impossible in a short time. Correct posing will help to hide excess bulges at the waist. To make the body look slimmer and more spectacular, we make broken lines. Unfortunately, in most cases, only the retouching of a professional designer can really help.

Making a flat stomach in the photo
Increase butt size

Increase the size of the buttocks in the photo

Any girl feels wonderful with her spectacular gluteal muscles.  The main indicator of the ideal body shape is the round bottom, which is the highlight of the female figure. These muscles can be made strong and elastic with the help of special exercises, but it is not enough to go only to the gym, jogging is a prerequisite. As a result, after long and intense workouts, you will finally get graceful buttocks. However, if you do not adhere to the diet and exercise, your nut will soon turn into a flat pancake. With the help of retouching, you can experiment with any form without resorting to diets and fitness trainers. Perhaps you want bulging and elongated buttocks, or very large, or small in the shape of a heart, or maybe you even want to look like an Amazon – send photos and admire your body! You can also always try to remove clothes from people in the photo.

Enlarge breasts
Despite the well-established opinion about the “natural” forms, many girls and women strive to enlarge their breasts. Since plastic surgery reached its zenith in this field, hundreds of thousands, and possibly millions, have been performed worldwide. And women endure long months of rehabilitation and discomfort in order to look seductive in the photo and create a captivating avatar. Everyone has their own idea of ​​sensuality. Not everyone can show sexuality without vulgarity. The topic has long attracted inquisitive glances not only from men, but also from women who envy busty girlfriends. A weapon that hits right on target. Become a true beauty standard!

Increase the size of the breast in the photo

To be continued soon