Not all photographs show us the way we want to see ourselves from the outside.
Sometimes we didn’t have time to smile or the lighting went wrong and unnecessary wrinkles were drawn.
The new level of retouching from Pixelmaniya allows you to correct defects in your photo in a few clicks.
Don’t rush to delete your photos, we will help you fix most awkward moments.
Our designers’ correct tools smoothly remove blemishes, wrinkles, pimples, moles or redness.
How to remove wrinkles and facial redness in a photo?

You can upload your photo from any of your Android or iOS devices, desktop computer, laptop, tablet or phone.
And you always get professional retouching.
Retouching of wrinkles and facial redness is done using Photoshop tools and AI.
The average best result you get is the finished work.
Invisible and correct retouching of facial skin imperfections will not allow you to distinguish the processed image.

What skin and facial imperfections does Pixelmaniya edit?
We always support feedback from our users.
And we are constantly improving our services.
We are adding new retouching services in different categories.
Currently, the main services for retouching facial skin imperfections are:
Wrinkle removal
Acne removal
Skin smoothing
Removing redness
Removal of moles and freckles
Removing bags under the eyes
Teeth whitening
These services are in the FACE section for selection