Another smart and simple service from Pixelmaniya for correcting imperfections in photos!
At the moment we are talking about those moments when your clothes look excessively wrinkled in the photo.
There are times when everything is ready for a holiday shoot.
The guests have gathered, the photographer has adjusted the light, everyone is smiling, and the camera shutter starts working.
And everything seemed to go well and all the pictures were great.
But then we notice that the hem of the bride’s dress has wrinkles in the fabric, and several annoying folds are visible on the groom’s jacket.
Don’t despair and stay calm and in good spirits! Pixelmaniya will fix these annoying moments in a few clicks.
When ordering the “Iron Clothes” service from Pixelmaniya, you choose the person and clothes that you want to iron in the photo.
Select this place with a marker and within 5-15 minutes you will have perfect pictures!
Retouching for ironing clothes is similar in its mechanism to retouching facial skin.
This delicate editing made to your pictures will be very correct when using our service.
All changes made preserve the texture of the fabric and will not indicate that retouching has been applied.
You always get excellent results using any Pixelmaniya retouching services!

When might you need to iron the clothes in the photo?
Pixelmaniya takes on any orders! These can be single orders or packages!
-Wedding photography.
Often a wedding photographer has his own retoucher.
Or the photographer himself knows basic retouching tools. But it will take a lot of effort to process the entire package of wedding photos.
But besides the wrinkled dress, you need to retouch many more defects that may arise during filming.
This includes face retouching and body imperfections retouching.
Any personal orders and requests for retouching arising from one or another person are also possible.
In a word, this is a complex, painstaking and time-consuming process. Pixelmaniya offers batch processing of a large number of pictures.
Moreover, you can apply different and multiple services to each image.

-Filling marketplace showcases with goods.
As a rule, when shooting clothes for marketplaces, these clothes are placed on mannequins and after shooting they are cut out onto a separate desired background.
And usually there is no time to iron such clothes before shooting, especially if we are talking about twenty colors of a T-shirt or dozens of different jeans.
Pixelmaniya takes such orders either one at a time or in whole packages.
Gentle retouching always gives you excellent results!

-Filming for magazines and social networks.
For any type of processing of your images, you can count on Pixelmaniya to help you iron the clothes in the photo.
Because this is a rather painstaking retouching and requires certain skills and knowledge.
Save your time and entrust this work to specialists!
Retouching services from Pixelmaniya are:
It’s fast!
It’s really quite fast. Perhaps sometimes not as quickly as the AI would do it. But unfortunately or fortunately, AI is still capable of making annoying mistakes that are not acceptable for retouching.
Double quality retouching from live designers and the best AI tools. Mutual verification of order fulfillment and quality control.
You can always adjust the retouching of your images! Extent of services, comments on orders, online chat and email. You always have contact with the executor of your orders.
How to use the “iron clothes” service in a photo?
- Log in to the Pixelmaniya website
- Upload your photo for retouching
- In the BODY section, select the “Iron Clothes” service by clicking on the desired icon
- The service will be added to your order
- Send your retouching order to the designer
- Get your finished order on the history page with the ability to view before and after.
- Save the finished photo to your device