The human face is naturally asymmetrical.
It is so arranged that the human face is precisely its amazing nuances that make each person unique.
They are like fingerprints and only twins can be perfectly alike.
You will be surprised how creepy a person’s face looks if his face is made symmetrical.
This manipulation can be done easily in Photoshop by mapping one half of the face onto the other.
For example, like this.
Symmetrical face in Photoshop:

Attractive appearance - what's the secret?
Beauty standards vary greatly among different peoples and cultures.
And over time they also change a lot.
Long neck and large hips, narrow waist and wide pelvis.
Everyone has different ideas about human beauty.
However, there are several common features determined at the level of biological memory.
Tall height and muscles are preferable for men.
These properties indirectly send a signal about the reliability, strength and duration of the family.
Women will have large breasts and a wide pelvis as a container and source of nutrition for the unborn fetus.

Facial symmetry
An important and proven property of a person’s attractiveness is facial symmetry.
We intuitively evaluate such faces as more attractive.
However, during the formation of the fetus, starting from the embryo, the human body forms a face with some differences.
Minimal differences in the operation of the gene mechanism give the human face the differences between the left and right halves of the face.
Sometimes these differences can be quite cute. Such as dimples on the cheeks.
And, noticeable asymmetrical differences in the face can be naturally off-putting.
And it happens that during a photo shoot, some details of the face can go from invisible to obvious.
Let’s say you didn’t have time to smile and one corner of your mouth went up while the other remained in place.
Your smile will look strange in this case.
Or the shadow of the foliage fell carelessly on your face and one ear or nostril became larger than the other half.
In such cases, the photo can be retaken or the lighting and hairstyle can be adjusted.
But often there is no opportunity to repeat the shot, and the photograph has great value for you.
Don’t be upset, but quickly use Pixelmaniya to help.
Pixelmaniya fix facial asymmetry in photos
When ordering the “correct facial asymmetry” service from Pixelmaniya, you get a very subtle and delicate retouching in this service.
No AI algorithms are used here.
Only a living designer first evaluates the details of the face, and then makes jewelry corrections.
The position of the eyes, the size of the nose and nostrils, the direction of the eyebrows and the angle of the corners of the mouth.
An overall accurate assessment of the necessary changes and careful subsequent correction of flaws leave a feeling of invisible retouching.
However, your face will be corrected taking into account all your wishes.

How to use the facial asymmetry correction service?
As usual, with the Pixelmaniya retouching service, everything is as simple and clear as possible from the first use!
1. Log in to the Pixelmaniya website. This can be done from any device and any operating system.
2. Upload your image for retouching by clicking on the “upload” button and selecting the desired image in your gallery.
3. In the FACE section, select the “correct facial asymmetry” service. You will see the service added to your order.
4. Now send the picture to the designer for retouching by clicking on the “send for retouching” button.
5. Receive the finished processed photo on the order history page. View your completed order in before-after format and save it to your device.