Adding hair volume to a photo

Adding hair volume to a photo

Get gorgeous, full hair in your favorite photos with our online photo retouching service.

This has become even easier to do.

A beautiful haircut and neat hairstyle is beautiful and fresh.

The ideal volume of hair is obtained when you leave the hairdresser, where the hands of a master, professional scissors and a hairdryer have just worked on your hair.

However, as the day progresses, your hair may slowly lose its volume.

This is a natural process associated with the weighting of the hair due to the release of oil from the scalp and normal dust and pollution.

If you notice that you need to add volume to the hair in your photos, the Pixelmaniya application will allow you to do this in one click.

App for increasing hair volume in photo

App for increasing hair volume in photos

The Pixelmaniya app has several services for working with hair growing from the head.

Namely these:

  • Add hair volume
  • Remove stray hair
  • Hide receding hairline
  • Cover gray hair
  • Change hair color
  • Add a woman’s hairstyle
  • Add a man’s hairstyle
  • Add a beard
  • Add a bald spot


    In subsequent and previous articles we will talk about how all these services work. Now let’s explain how increasing hair volume works in the photo.

How to add volume to hair?

How to add volume to hair online

Of course, if you have a personal hairdresser and you have enough time to visit him, then you can afford professional hair styling and volume every day!

Or you are a confident user of Photoshop, and you understand how to retouch a hairstyle so that it looks natural and the background is not spoiled.

And the fastest and cheapest way is to order an increase in hair volume in a photo from the online editing service Pixelmaniya.

Here you can easily save your time and money and get positive emotions from the perfect retouching of your images.

How to use hair volume adding service?

How to use hair volume adding

By ordering the “increase hair volume” service in the Pixelmaniya app, you receive professional processing of your images using all the skills of our designers.

And you can do this very simply!

1. Be registered on the Pixelmaniya website (this can be done from any of your devices, except for blender, of course).

2. Upload your image in your personal retouching account.

3. Select the “add hair volume” service, it is located in the FACE services section.

4. Send the photo to the designer for retouching and wait a few minutes.

5. Get the finished photo on the story page. You can watch it in before-after mode. Download the image to your device.

pointer to personal account